Prep time
Total time
Recipe type: Relish
Cuisine: American
Serves: 4 cups
  • 1 lb. (4 cups) fresh cranberries
  • 2 large thin-skinned oranges, preferable seedless
  • ½ cup honey (or agave)
  • 1 cup walnuts, chopped
  1. Cut the oranges into quarters. If they have seeds, pick them out with the tip of a knife.
  2. Put the cranberries and orange quarters (skins and all) into a food processor or blender. Blend until combined. You may have to split it in half if your food processor is small.
  3. Add honey (or agave), hit pulse a few more time. Taste to see if it needs to be sweeter.
  4. Transfer into an airtight container(s) and let the relish stand at room temperature for about 24 hours to develop flavor before serving. Keep refrigerated up to 2-3 weeks.
  5. Add some chopped walnuts before serving.
You can also use sugar if you don't have honey or agave.
Recipe by Let's Cook Some Food at